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Remember, Remember Activation Crack


About This Game Kris, Rosa, Peter, Xavier, and Lisa are friends for life. They went through high school together and all managed to wind up in the same community college. Their lives were filled with parties, study sleepovers, and everything best friends did. After all, you develop a bond after 8 years. However, there is a dark secret that clouds this friendship; one that has haunted certain members of the group for years. The day before their graduation, on their way to their marching practice, they are kidnapped and taken to a remote location, their long-term memories locked away and leaving them frightened. Stainless steel bracelets decorate their wrists and they find themselves in the dead center of a sterile white room with one TV on the far wall and a locked door opposite of it. The TV comes on and you learn that a dark secret has been hidden from Kris. The only way out for Kris and his friends is for him to discover it. "I cannot wait until the truth is revealed... What will you do, I wonder..." Who will leave? Creative Team: Game/Plot Design by Ethan Nakashima Story Development/GUI Design by Michaela Laws Sprite and CG Art by ReddArt Background Art by Badriel Music by Christopher Escalante Sound Effects by Jonah Scott Story Edits by Natasha Laws Journal Edits by D. R. Berry Voice Over Actors: Kris - Alejandro Saab Rosa - Michaela Laws Peter - Austin Hively Lisa - Dawn M. Bennett Xavier - Michael A. Zekas Mask - Jalen K. Cassell Sara - Hayden Daviau Brother (Tutorial) - Ethan Nakashima Sister (Tutorial) - Michaela Laws Abductor - Mark Child Kris & Sara's Mom - Sheila M. Gagne Rosa's Mom and Teacher - Marissa Lenti Lisa's Mom - Danielle McRae Rehab Captain - Sean Chiplock Officer Parks - Kellen Goff Xavier's Drugdealer - Preston Cowley Bartender - Steve Nunez Policemen - Michaela Laws & Mark Child News Reporters - Ethan Nakashima & Eric Dubyu Kris's Therapist - Brittany Lauda Students - Brittany Lauda, Dani Mohrbach, & Kellen Goff 7aa9394dea Title: Remember, RememberGenre: Adventure, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Michaela Laws, Ethan NakashimaPublisher:Michaela LawsRelease Date: 11 May, 2017 Remember, Remember Activation Crack remember love remember mercy. remember remember english song download. forget remember when. remember remember the 6th of november lyrics. remember remember game download. remember remember the 21st of september. remember remember when i lost my mind. remember remember kpop. remember remember the 8th of november poem. remember remember me. remember or remembered. remember remember please remember who i used to be. macbeth remember remember. remember remember the 1st of november. remember remember september. remember remember fifth of november £2. remember me remember you. remember remember song lyrics. remember i remember you. remember remember the of december. remember remember the 9th of december. remember remember song download. please remember please remember me. remember remember eyring. remember everything remember. remember remember song himym. remember remember the fifth of november £2 coin. remember remember enrique mp3 download. remember remember mp3 download. remember remember 5th november song. remember execute forget lyrics. remember remember the 5th of november meaning. remember remember the 6th of november rhyme. gedicht remember remember the 5th of november. remember remember movie. remember remember all of the lies that you say. remember me remember when. remember remember play. remember remember lyrics. remember remember michael jackson. remember remember v for vendetta quote. remember to remember chords. remember remember it the 5th of november. remember to remember ving. do you remember remember my name. remember remember the house where i was born. remember remember the 4. i remember i remember questions. remember remember you. remember to remember ing exercises. remember remember the 5th of november lyrics. remember windows 10 password. remember remember my name fame. remember o remember. remember remember me from coco. remember remember the 9th. remember remember video. remember you remember me. remember heart remember. remember me i will remember u. remember remember v. remember remember always remember me. remember remember december. remember remember the fifth of november. remember remember we was broke. remember remember this is now and now and now. remember forget you lyrics. remember remember ed cooke pdf download free. remember remember deutsch. remember me don't remember me with sadness. remember to remember gerund. remember remember 5th of november poem. remember remember poem 5th november. remember vividly or vividly remember. remember when remember when lyrics. i remember i remember crazy. remember remember mp3. remember remember the 7th of december. remember remember summer. remember remember achievement we happy few. remember remember the 7th of september. remember remember quote. remember remember the 11th of september. remember execute forget. remember remember not lord our offences Remember Remember (the fifth of November?) is a VN based around a SAW like murdergame premise: there's five people in a bunker, captured by a mastermind who puts them through a high stress 'game'. I was drawn to this as a somewhat-fan of 999, I liked the concept of that game and its mechanics, but felt its story was pretty over the top and nonsensical, so an indie take on a similar idea was interesting to me.My big up front warning with this game: if the concept of having to play a minigame in your VN is a red flag to you, stay away from this title. 'Mask', your captor, has the protagonist play variants of a maze minigame repeatedly to try and get through the plot and discover the truth about the group's past. It's a pretty tough little game too: I took a fair few tries before beating this game, and I'd advocate saving each time Mask calls for a game (He gives a fair amount of warning.)That said, I enjoyed this game. The voice acting was solid, parts of the plot were quite surprising, the characters were pretty nice and believable, and the did a good job of balancing sympathy for the group and tension of a high stress environment. It's pretty short, even by indie VN standards, but there's replay value for the achievement hunters amongst us, as well as those who like seeing multiple sides of a story/exploring different characters, and I feel a single playthrough will be quite satisfying to those ok with an indie VN being on the short side.So yeah. Recommended! Though if I see another one of those damned shadow creatures again it'll be too soon.. I am in love with the story of the game. I just keep wanting to know more ! But man, these mazes are so hard and they just get harder. I wish there was an option to make them easier because they get so frustarting so fast.. Personally, I don't love the story, but it's not bad either. So I am not giving a thumbs-down for merely that. The one thing that bothers me is the 'mazes' you've seen other reviews probably mentioning. They aren't very difficult but some of them have certain 'dangerous spots' that move around on random moments. Think it's 3rd or 4th with those arms. The game uses these mazes to have some people die and uses it as a judging mechanism. I thought alright sure, bit tedious, but hey can roll with it. The last maze of the game is annoying since the time is quite short and in order to avoid the monsters you need to wait for the arms to move. Annoying, but in 4 tries I had the maze completely and saved all of them On restart of the game however, you have to do all those mazes again, and again to look for different outcomes. Imho, this is what completely kills this game. That you have to do those mazes the first time, sure, not fun, but alright I'll do them for story's sake. But second time they are just outrageously tedious and I just stopped right then and there. There's no way to skip mazes. Worse, in the last maze it influences the story and ending and for different outcomes you thus have to do it again, and again if you want to know what happens.I like visual novels with puzzles, riddles, psychological aspects and such, but this completely missed the mark for me.. This game has been quite the roller coster of emotions. While I was a little bit confised at some of the CGs/achievements, it didn't take tooo too long to figure out. I'm terrible at writing reviews so.... good day?. At first I was ready to give it a negative review, but for some reason I just kept playing and playing. Honestly, it is hard for me to justify a negative review after sinking this many hours into it. It didn't really scratch the psychological horror itch I've have for a while now, but it still provided a decent story with a twist or two that caught me off guard.. I like the characters, it's interesting, well drawn and the story is surprisingly emotional. The voiceacting is nice and I really like the CG's I've managed to get. I reccomend it and there is reason to do multiple playthroughs for CGs and see every aspect of the story through the relationships with the four friends.There is only one problem and honestly, it's more a personal one -I can't beat it.I just can't beat the final maze.Obviously others have been able to, maybe I'm just really bad at the mazes.I love the creator, I've played Michaela's games and they've brought me hours of entertainment, so I'm very happy to support her...but I can't finish this game. Maybe a "if you're horrible at mazes" option will be added in the future that gives you more time or something. If it is, I'll happily play through all of the routes.. I love this game, it's just fantastic! Like, the "mental game" this game does with the player is amazing. One of the best games I've played in my life.. Certainly an interesting premise, but rather short. 1.8hrs and that's with needing to restart some of the mazes multiple times.... maybe i just read the rest of the stuff quickly since i turned off the voices? *shrugs* would label it more as a thriller (even that's barely adequate as a description) it will mostly upset you with the random mobs wasndering the maze that seems to pop out of no where since you can only see 2-3 units in any given direction.overall it was okay and i (mostly) enjoyed my ~2hrs of gameplay but dont really feel like there's much point to continue with it.. Remember, Remember is a suspenseful visual novel that I really enjoyed playing. Its not often I can find a good visual novel with horror/thriller elements but this hits it on the head. The visual novel itself is short after the first play though, but it is worth it to replay to get to know each character individually. The mazes are laggy, but I think that might just be my computer. Another issue that I have is that no matter what I can’t unlock the “Masochistic Pleasure” achievement, and it seems like nobody else has. (Seriously, if somebody unlocks this achievement please tell me how to). Overall, a unique visual novel that was fun to play and worth it’s price!


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