About This Content This DLC is only for donations, it contains no content and does not affect the game. 7aa9394dea Title: McOsu - Donation - 1Genre: IndieDeveloper:McKayRelease Date: 20 Mar, 2017 McOsu - Donation - 1 Download For Pc [key Serial] McOsu - Donation - 1 is a great game with a great story, the characters are pretty cool. Pretty good.This practice client has helped me improve so much holy crap thank you.. Feel good after donating \u00a56Nice game for practicing osu, recommend to everyone who plays osu!Includes interesting mods. Able to change beatmap settings and speed in a convenient way.(Daycore is awesome XD)Advices:\u00b7Sometimes I accidentally pressed windows button and I'm back to the desktop. It was common when my click buttons were Z and X, but I've never experienced such situation in osu, I hope developers could ban windows button in game. Now my click buttons are D and F.\u00b7HP system and FL mod is not available, but sometimes I just want to practice FL :(\u00b7I'm also a mania player, and there is no convenient way to change the speed of mania maps. I hope some day McOsu will support mania mode and also taiko, ctb, although it sounds unrealistic XD\u00b7Do not play this map in McOsu: osu.ppy.sh\/b\/1355907 I don't know why but my computer runs very slow when the sliders come out.\u00b7No replays :( Sometimes I did get a very good score and I can only have a screenshot.\u00b7No key overlay. Not so good for ones streaming McOsu.. tbh i felt a bit bad getting something this good for free so if you feel bad just donate 1\u20ac as well :3
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